Top 25 of 2016: #20 Lazy Legs – Lazy Legs

Lazy Legs – Lazy Legs


   Lazy Legs proved to be one of most prolific new shoegaze acts . The young shoegaze trio from Chicago released an eponymous EP at the beginning of the year, a full-length VISIONDEATH, and a myriad of singles to tease the EP they just released this month, Chain of Pink. Lazy Legs combine heavy riffs enshrouded in a thick blanket of hazy, fog with ethereal vocals that are hidden in the distance, but pull you in to their world of fuzz. Songs like “Molasses” and “Ghost” are a perfect balance seemingly endless whirlpools of rich and lush textures and heavy riffs that feel like a 747 engine going off right next to your head. “Heart Destroyer” and “Lipstick Prick” retain the euphoric nature of the other songs, but with a steady, hypnotic groove. Lazy Legs pretty much nailed blissful shoegaze right on the head on their first shot, and continue to do so with each release. I’d be surprised if they don’t do a national tour in 2017.


Author: enthralledinessence

I like evil riffs and pretty chords.

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